Friday, September 10, 2021

Blog Post #2

The Supreme Court


 The Supreme Court plays a critical role in our government to ensure that we continue to be one of the greatest and most powerful nations in the world. One of the many things I didn't appreciate is that the Supreme Court's real purpose is to make sure that everyone and everything is being upheld to the constitution.  The men and women of the Supreme Court have the incredibly challenging job of interpreting the Construction for how the founding fathers have written it.  The Supreme Court ultimately holds one of the highest powers in the world, governing the entire United States government.  Nine justices make some of the toughest decisions every day on what is deemed right and what is wrong in this nation.  Thousands of partitions are sent to the Supreme Court for them to look at, and it is up to them to decide which they choose to be a part of our laws and legislations.  On average, the Supreme Court takes about 80-90 cases per year.  The justices take pride in ensuring that when they meet once a week, they all go around and speak once before someone speaks twice to ensure that every justice gets a fair trial and speech at what they are speaking on.  This gives everyone a fair and equal chance to speak their opinion on the case is which they are speaking about.  They also take the time to shake each other's hands before every meeting to bring everyone to a more personal level with one another, not letting grudges get in the way.  This gives the likely hood that there will be less argumentative conversations with others in the Supreme Court when you break down this boundary which allows everyone to be treated equally and make good decisions as their decisions are some of the most powerful and well respected in the world.


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