Sunday, October 10, 2021

Blog Post #8 - The Progressive Era

 The Progressive Era

News today in my opinion is awful.  News outlets are running on money from views.  The more viewers they have the better.  This causes them to tailor the information to catch people's eyes and make them watch the nightly news.  This means they are not only going to show shocking stories to get people to watch but they are also going to leave a lot of important stories out.  The Government also tries to cover up and sensor events so the public doesn't know.  These sites are sites that don't have to worry about getting views and instead post the truth about what is really going on.  These are life-changing stories that should make the front page but never seem to make the light of day.  In order to find the truth of what is going on in the world, you have to actively seek it out.  We have to seek out these websites for the strong antiwar voices because we are trying to cover our own butt of why we went in there.  A perfect example is the war in Iraq.  The U.S. said there were Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) in Iraq's possession.  The U.S. then invades going to war with them only to realize there aren't any.  They don't want to show their mistake so they try and cover it up.  News sources like however are not forced to tell the lies and instead can tell the truth that there never were WMDs there in the first place.  You will never find a source/story like this on mainstream news because again the government is trying to cover it up.


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