Sunday, October 10, 2021

Blog Post #10 -AI

Living in the Age of AI

In watching the video about AI it is incredible to see how far we have come in technology.  For starters just the fact that China used to be behind in technology until a few years ago and now they are so far along it's scary.  The AI implementation China has is a little concerning and scary, however.  Privacy is a huge right in the United States and to see a country like that where they give up so much consent is mindblowing to me.  Everything you do as a Chinese citizen is watched and can have a positive or negative impact on your day-to-day life.  Even down to how charged your phone is can decide if you get a loan or not.  Does their technology make sense?  Yes, but to a degree.   I understand taking human emotion out of something like getting a loan to make sure that they qualify but your every step shouldn't be impacting that decision.  There are instances where certain actions may make sense but there is a fine line where those stop making sense and start producing privacy concerns.  At the beginning of the video, they also showed the facial recognition software from the iPhone camera which is also scary because what if they get to the point where they can find anyone anywhere from any camera.  This reminds me of the show Person Of Intrest with the big brother software that could legitimately find anyone anywhere.  This again is overstepping and is scary as a U.S. citizen because what if we are next?  We seem to be getting closer and closer to mimicking China every day.


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