Sunday, October 10, 2021

Blog Post #6 Diffusion

Diffusion of Innovations

 In 2017 a company called ByteDance created an app called TikTok.  The soon-to-be viral app started in Asia where there weren’t many pioneers jumping on board.  Pioneers were the first people to discover the app before it ever became anything.  Then the early adapters came along pushing the app to the U.S. where it merged with the companies called was an app that had been around but never really took off.  The concept was good just the wrong execution was inflicted.  When TikTok and merged it gave the world this app that was just right for the next social media icon.  Early adopters at this point were middle school kids who started to push it up to their high school friends.  Once high schoolers got a hold of it the early majority began.  This was not only high schoolers but college students as well.  I still remember sitting at a soccer game at my high school as a senior and thinking about how dumb the freshman were for downloading this stupid app.  Once I got to college TikTok was blowing up big time.  This was the tipping point or just past it.  By this point, everyone and their mom had the app.  The late adopters were starting to catch on to how addicting this app actually was.  This is about at the point where we are now in the TikTok trend as everyone has it but there are the typical few who still don't.  My prediction for TikTok is that it is going to start to slowly decline after about a year.  TikTok is one of those apps where you rely on the content.  If people are posting good content then the app will stay alive but if not then comes the laggers.  These are the people who don't even know what TikTok is or how to use it.  


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