Saturday, October 9, 2021

Blog Post #7 EOTO Tech

EOTO Presentations

Carrier Pigeons was a technology that I learned about during EOTO presentations.  I knew they existed but that was about the extent of my knowledge.  Carrier Pigeons were so cool to me because it was a reliable source of information before there was technology.  I also learned that this information source dated back some 5000 years ago to Egypt which is astonishing to me that people were that advanced all that time ago.  Not only to think about the outlandish ideas but to also be able to actually train a bird to fly to a location.  

I had known that carrier pigeons were used during WW1 but I was unaware to the fact that carrier pigeons are only flying back to their nest.  This means that if I want to send a message from High Point to Greensboro, I have to get a pigeon from Greensboro and then attach my message and let it fly and it will head home to Greensboro.  When I learned this it immediately made sense to me why it was easier to train them than people thought.  

I also learned that even today carrier pigeons can still be the faster mode of transport for information.  I learned this with the test done by the wifi company in South Africa I believe it was.  This again was super shocking to me and got my interest as it seems like something that shouldn't be true was true.  It amazes me that a technology that worked all the way back 5000 years ago was so advanced that it can still be better than technology today.


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