Sunday, October 10, 2021

Blog Post #5 -Privacy

 Privacy, Online and Off

These issues affect everyone these days.  Computers and technology are extremely scary in what gets saved.  Not only is everything you do and say kept on the web but it gets sold to other companies looking to mine it.  These companies are anything from Facebook to department stores looking to create ads that are better tailored to you so you will buy more.  Today facial recognition is getting more and more advanced to where you can take a picture and a company can tell you not only exactly who is in the photo but also everything about them. was a prime example of a company that has the software capable of doing this.  The scary pare gets into when Facebook bought them in 2012.  Would I trust the government with this software?  Possibly, but I would for sure not trust a social media company.  Facial recognition software is something that should be kept at the same level as full-auto rifles.  The public can't have.  The government should crackdown on companies that use these types of overreaching software to keep the United States the free country it was.  Privacy should be right behind the freedom of speech.  Without privacy who are we?  We all might as well move to China where everyone is on display for whoever to see.  How is it constitutional for these companies to be accessing these types of information on my life?  These software have the real ability to be extremely dangerous and ruin someone's life if they haven't already.  How is this constitutional in the United States of America where men and women fight and die for our freedom?

WEEK 4, pt. 1: Privacy, Online & Off videos

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